E.C. & M.L. Prophet

Booth, A.
The path to your ascension : rediscovering life's ultimate purpose
by Annice Booth ; based on the teachings of Mark L. Prophet and Elisabeth Clare Prophet. - Livingston : Summit University Press, 1999. - xv, 254 p. ; 22 cm. - notes, glossary, index.
ISBN 0922729476
sign.: ESO-14-12-BOOT-1
Trefw.: esoterie, spiritualiteit, Pad, Summit Light House, meesters, karma, inwijdingen

Kirmond, P.
Messages from heaven : amazing insights on life after death, life's purpose and earth's future
Patricia Kirmond. - Corwin Springs : Summit University Press, 1999. - 248 p. ; 22 cm. - notes, appendix.
ISBN 0922729441
sign.: ESO-14-12-KIRM-1
Trefw.: reïncarnatie, leven na de dood, leven, toekomst, meesters, karma, dharma, dood, spiritualiteit, psychologie, alchemie, Summit Light House

Prophet, E.C.
Access the power of your higher self
Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - Corwin Springs : Summit University Press, 1997. - [5], 100 p, [6] p. ; 16 cm. - (Teachings of the Ascended Masters) - notes.
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-1
Trefw.: esoterie, channeling, new-age, spiritualiteit, leringen, meesters, hoger zelf, Christus

De alchemie van het hart : hoe men in staat is meer liefde te geven en te ontvangen
Elisabeth Clare Prophet en Patricia R. Spadero ; [Nederlandse vert. uit het Engels]. - Amsterdam : Amethist Pers, 2003. - 165, [3] p. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 907121902X
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-2
Trefw.: esoterie, spiritualiteit, hart, liefde, spirituele groei, gevoelens, naastenliefde, new-age

Alchemy of the heart : how to give and receive more love
Elizabeth Clare Prophet and Patricia R. Spadaro. - Corwin Springs : Summit University Press, 2000. - VI, 198 p, [5] p. ; 16 cm. - notes.
ISBN 0922729603
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-3
Trefw.: esoterie, spiritualiteit, hart, liefde, spirituele groei, gevoelens, naastenliefde, new-age

Archangel Gabriel : mysteries of the holy grail
recorded by Elisabeth Clare Prophet. - 3rd printing. - Corwin Springs : Summit University Press, 1997. - [12], 430, [2] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. - notes, index.
ISBN 0916766640
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-4
Trefw.: esoterie, Gabriel, Heilige Graal, mysteriën

The art of practical spirituality : how to bring more passion, creativity and balance into everyday life
Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - Corwin Springs : Summit University Press , 2000. - [5], 147 p, [8] p. : ill. ; 16 cm. - notes.
ISBN 0922729557
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-5
Trefw.: spiritualiteit, new-age, esoterie, dagelijks leven

The chela and the path : meeting the challenge of life in the twentieth century
ascended master El Morya ; dictated to the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - 4th pr. - Los Angeles : Summit University Press, 1983. - 166 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. - notes, index.
ISBN 0916766128
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-6
Trefw.: religie, chela's, Pad, vrije wil, esoterie, theosofie, H.P. Blavatsky, meesters, bewustzijn, karma, zeven stralen

Community : a journey to the heart of spiritual community
Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - Corwin Springs : The Summit House Library, 2002. - 284 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - notes.
ISBN 097204020X
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-7
Trefw.: esoterie, adepten, spiritualileit, spirituele gemeenschap, bewustzijn, liefde, broederschap, degrees

Creative abundance : keys to spiritual and material prosperity
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Mark L. Prophet. - Corwin Springs : Summit University Press, 1998. - [4], 167 p, [4] p. ; 16 cm. - notes.
ISBN 0922729387
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-8
Trefw.: channeling, spiritualiteit, creativiteit, new-age, esoterie, voorspoed

The creative power of sound : affirmations to create, heal and transform
Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - Corwin Springs : Summit University Press, 1998. - VI, 101 p, [5] p. ; 16 cm. - notes.
ISBN 0922729425
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-9
Trefw.: geluid, spiritualiteit, new-age, esoterie, alternatieve geneeswijze

Kabbalah : key to your inner power
Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - Baskerville : Summit University Press, 1998. - XII, 286 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - bibliography, notes to pages.
ISBN 0922729352
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-10
Trefw.: esoterie, kabbalah, new-age, spiritualiteit, innerlijke kracht, joodse mystiek, sefirot, God, kwaad, mystiek, gebeden, geluid

Karma and reincarnation : transcending your past, transforming your future
Elizabeth Clare Prophet and Patricia R. Spadaro. - Corwin Springs : Summit University Press, 2001. - [6], 217 p. ; 16 cm. - notes.
ISBN 0922729611
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-11
Trefw.: spiritualiteit, new-age, esoterie, karma, reincarnatie

De kunst van praktische spiritualiteit : hoe brengt u meer passie, creativiteit en balans in uw dagelijks leven
Elizabeth Clare Prophet met Patricia R. Spadaro ; [Nederlandse vert. uit het Engels]. - Amsterdam : Amethist Pers, 2000. - 96 p. ; 20 cm. - voetnoten.
ISBN 9080532673
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-12
Trefw.: esoterie, spiritualiteit, creativiteit, dagelijks leven, spirituele groei

The lost years of Jesus : documentary evidence of Jesus' 17-year journey to the east
Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - New York : Summit University Press, 1987. - xi, 447 p, [12] p. : ill. ; 18 cm. - acknowledgment, notes, bibliography.
ISBN 091676687X
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-13
Trefw.: esoterie, Jezus, religie, christendom

Nurturing your baby's soul : a spiritual guide for expectant parents
Elizabeth Claire Prophet ; compiled and edited by Nancy Hearn and Dr Joye Bennet. - Corwin Springs : Summit University Press, 1998. - xiv, 233 p. ; 21 cm. - appendix, notes.
ISBN 922729395
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-14
Trefw.: esoterie, geboorte, ziel, genezing, conceptie, karma, meditatie, communicatie, chakra's, degrees

Quietly comes the Buddha
by Gautama Buddha - lord of the world to the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - Colorado Springs, Coloradeo : Summit Lighthouse, 1975. - 146 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. - notes.
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-15
Trefw.: esoterie, religie, Boeddha, filosofie

Saint Germain on prophecy : coming world changes : Nostradamus on U.S./U.S.S.R., confrontation war in Europe, earthquakes, Chernobyl
Saint Germain ; recorded by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - Livingstone : Summit University Press, 1986. - viii, 96, 72, 222 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.
ISBN 0916766748
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-16
Trefw.: esoterie, Saint Germain, voorspellingen, Nostradamus, karma

Scheppende overvloed : sleutels tot spirituele en materiële groei
[door] Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Mark L. Prophet ; [vert. uit het Engels]. - Amsterdam : Amethist Pers, 2001. - 76 p. ; 20 cm. - voetnoten.
ISBN 9080532657
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-17
Trefw.: esoterie, spiritualiteit, meditatie, Saint Germain

Soul mates and twin flames : the spiritual dimension of love and relationships
Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - Corwin springs : Summit University Press, 1999. - VIII, 155 p, [6]. : ill. ; 16 cm.
ISBN 0922729484
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-18
Trefw.: zielsverwantschap, new-age, spiritualiteit, esoterie

Vials of the seven last plagues : the judgments of Almighty god delivered by the seven archangels [prophecies for the 1980s]
dictated to the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - 5th pr. - Los Angeles, California : Summit University Press, 1980. - ix, 156 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. - index.
ISBN 0916766233
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-19
Trefw.: esoterie

Het violette vuur : genezing voor lichaam, geest en ziel
voorwoord Elisabeth Clare Prophet ; [Nederlandse vert. uit het Engels]. - Amsterdam : The Summit Lighthouse of Holland Stichting, 1999. - 69 p. ; 20 cm.
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-20
Trefw.: esoterie, visualisaties, technieken, parapschychologische oefeningen, genezingen, vorige levens, reïncarnatie, kinderen, spiritualiteit, Saint Germain, natuurkunde, mantra's, pijnen, oorlogen

Wanting to be born : the cry of the soul
based on the teachings of Elizabeth Clare Prophet ; comp. by Neroli Duffy. - Corwin Springs : The Summit Lighthouse Library, 2002. - [4], 109 p, [9] p. ; 16 cm. - additional resources.
ISBN 0972040226
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-21
Trefw.: Spiritualiteit, persoonlijke groei, new-age, esoterie, abortus, geboortecontrole, anticonceptie

Your seven energy centers : a holistic approach to physical, emotional and spiritual vitality
Elizabeth Clare Prophet and Patricia R. Spadaro. - Corwin Springs : Summit University Press, 2000. - [6], 228 p. : ill. ; 16 cm. - notes.
ISBN 0922729565
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-22
Trefw.: esoterie, holisme, energiecentra, chakra's, vitaliteit, spiritualiteit, gezondheid

De zeven energie centra : een holistische benadering om te komen tot lichamelijke, emotionele en spirituele vitaliteit
door Elizabeth Clare Prophet en Patricia R. Spadaro ; [vert. uit het Engels]. - Amsterdam : Amethist Pers, 2001. - 157 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. - voetnoten.
ISBN 9080532665
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-23
Trefw.: esoterie, holisme, energiecentra, chakra's, vitaliteit, spiritualiteit, gezondheid

Zielenkameraden en tweelingzielen : de spirituele dimensie van liefde en relaties
Elisabeth Clare Prophet ; [Nederlandse vert. uit het Engels]. - Amsterdam : Amethist Pers, 2001. - 104 p. : ill. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9080532649
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-46
Trefw.: esoterie, spiritualiteit, tweelingzielen, liefde

Prophet, M.L.
The answer you're looking for is inside of you : a commonsense guide to spiritual growth
Mark L. Prophet ; compiled and edited by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - Corwin Springs : Summit University Press, 1997. - x, 106 p. ; 21 cm. - notes, glossary.
ISBN 0922729263
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-24
Trefw.: esoterie, spirituele groei, religie

Corona class lessons : Jesus and Kuthumi : for those who would teach men the way
dictated to the messengers Mark and Elisabeth Prophet. - 2nd printing. - Livingston : Summit University Press, 1988. - ix, 455, [7] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. - notes, index.
ISBN 0916766659
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-25
Trefw.: esoterie, spiritualiteit, broederschap, transfiguratie, Koot Hoomi

Cosmic consciousness : one man's search for God
by Mark L. Prophet as recorded by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - 6th pr. - Livingston : Summit University Press, 1987. - xix, 280, [8] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. - notes, index.
ISBN 0916766179
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-26
Trefw.: esoterie, kosmisch bewustzijn, inwijdingen, visualisaties, meditaties, transformaties, reïncarnatie, cyclussen

Dossier on the ascension : Serapis Bey : the story of the soul's acceleration into higher consciousness on the path of initiation
recorded by Mark L. Prophet. - 2nd pr. - Livingstone : Summit University Press, 1979. - iv, 212, [6] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. - notes, index.
ISBN 0916766217
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-27
Trefw.: spirituele groei, ziel, inwijdingen, hoger bewustzijn, religie, Egypte, Serapis Bey

Foundations of the path
by Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - Corwin Springs, Montana : Summit University Press, 1999. - xxii, 268 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - (Climb the highest mountain series) - notes, glossary.
ISBN 0922729530
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-28
Trefw.: esoterie, spiritualiteit, Witte Broederschap, meesters, Summit Lighthouse, boodschappers, bewustzijn, mystiek, chakra's, persoonlijke ontwikkeling

The human aura : how to activate and energize your aura and chakras
dictated to Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet by Kuthumi and Djwal Kul. - [reprint]. - Corwin Springs : Summit University Press, 1996. - xiii, 428, [5] p. : ill. ; 18 cm. - notes, glossary.
ISBN 0922729255
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-29
Trefw.: esoterie, aura's, chakra's, Koot Hoomi

Lords of the seven rays : mirror of consciousness
Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - Livingstone, Montana : Summit Univesity Press, 1986. - VIII, 274, 313 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. - (Book One ; Book Two) - notes.
ISBN 0916766756
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-30
Trefw.: esoterie, bewustzijn, zeven stralen, El Morya, Lord Lanto, Paul the Venetian, Serapis Bey, Hilarion, Lady Master Nada, Saint Germain, chakra's

The lost teachings of Jesus : book four : finding the God within
Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - 3rd pr. - Livingston : Summit University Press, 1993. - xi, 341, [8] p. ; 18 cm. - (The lost teaching of Jesus ; 4) - notes, index.
ISBN 0916766934
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-31IV
Trefw.: esoterie, leringen, Jezus, religie, God

The lost teachings of Jesus : book one : missing texts, karma and reincarnation
Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - 8th pr. - Livingston : Summit University Press, 1994. - lxvii, 300, [16] p. : ill. ; 18 cm. - (The lost teachings of Jesus ; 1) - notes, index.
ISBN 091676690X
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-31I
Trefw.: esoterie, leringen, Jezus, karma, reïncarnatie

The lost teachings of Jesus : book three : keys to self-transcendence
Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - 4th pr. - Livingston : Summit University Press, 1994. - x, 325, [17] p. : ill. ; 18 cm. - (The lost teachings of Jesus ; 3) - notes, index.
ISBN 0916766926
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-31III
Trefw.: esoterie, leringen, Jezus, religie, ladder des leven, bewustzijn

The lost teachings of Jesus : book two : mysteries of the higher self
Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - 5th pr. - Livingston : Summit University Press, 1994. - xii, 331, [9] p. : ill. ; 18 cm. - (The lost teaching of Jesus ; 2) - notes, index.
ISBN 0916766918
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-31II
Trefw.: esoterie, leringen, Jezus, religie, mysteriën, hoger bewustzijn, chakra's

The masters and the spiritual path
by Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - Corwin Springs, Montana : Summit University Press, 2001. - xix, 334 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - (Climb the highest mountain series) - notes, glossary.
ISBN 0922729646
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-32
Trefw.: esoterie, spiritualiteit, meesters, religie, yoga, hierarchie, persoonlijke ontwikkeling

The masters and their retreats
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet ; compiled and edited by Annice Booth. - Corwin Springs, Montana : Summit University Press, 2003. - xii, 545, [3] p. : ill. ; 23 cm. - (Climb the Highest Moutain Series) - charts and maps, notes, glossary.
ISBN 0972040242
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-33
Trefw.: esoterie, meesters, spiritualiteit, persoonlijke groei

Morya I : teachings of the ascended masters
Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - Corwing Springs : The Summit Lighthouse Library, 2001. - xxix, 321 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - notes, glossary.
ISBN 922729786
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-34
Trefw.: esoterie, adepten, meesters, Morya

My soul doth magnify the lord! : Mother Mary's new age teachings and rosary with a challenge to Christendom
Mark L. Prophet, Elisabeth Clare Prophet. - 2nd pr. - Livingston, Montana : Summit University Press, 1986. - xviii, 347, [9] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. - notes.
ISBN 0916766357
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-35
Trefw.: religie, esoterisch christendom

The opening of the seventh seal : Sanat Kumara : teachings of the ascended masters
Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - Corwin Springs : Summit University Press, 2001. - X, 416 p. ; 22 cm. - index, notes to pages.
ISBN 0922729689
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-36
Trefw.: Channeling, new-age, spiritualiteit, esoterie

The path of self-transformation
by Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - Corwin Springs, Montana : Summit University Press, 2000. - xvii, 339 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - (Climb the highest mountain series) - appendix, notes, glossary, index.
ISBN 0922729549
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-37
Trefw.: esoterie, spiritualiteit, persoonlijke ontwikkeling, zelftransformatie, karma, zeven stralen, wederbelichaming, transmigratie, reïncarnatie

The path of the higher self : the everlasting gospel
[reprint]. - Corwin Springs, Montana : Summit University Press, 2003. - xxii, 495 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - (Climb the Highest Moutain Series) - notes.
ISBN 0922729840
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-38
Trefw.: spirituele groei, religie, God, bewustzijn, vrijheid, ziel, bewustzijn, Morya, elementalen, Jezus, karma, maha chohan, stralen, Saint Germain

Prayer and meditation : Jesus and Kuthumi
dictated to the messengers Mark and Elisabeth Prophet. - 8th pr. - Livingston : Summit University Press, 1995. - vii, 305, [7] p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 0916766195
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-39
Trefw.: esoterie, gebed, meditatie, Saint Germain, Koot Hoomi

The sacred adventure : El Morya
recorded by Mark L. Prophet. - 4th pr. - Livingston : Summit University Press, 1986. - xix, 129 p. ; 14 cm. - notes, index.
ISBN 0916766535
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-40
Trefw.: esoterie, spiritualiteit, Morya

Saint Germain on alchemy : for the adept in the aquarian age
recorded by Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - Livingston, Montana : Summit University Press, 1985. - XXXII, 493 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. - notes, index.
ISBN 0916766683
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-41
Trefw.: esoterie, alchemie, Saint Germain

The science of the spoken word
Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet. - sixth pr. - Los Angeles : Summit University Press, 1983. - 203 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. - notes, bibliogr., index.
ISBN 0916766071
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-42
Trefw.: Saint Germain, theosofie, kleuren, god, violet, woord, Jezus, bijbel, Koot Hoomi, El Morya

Studie in de alchemie : de wetenschap der zelf-transformatie
Saint Germain ; gedicteerd aan de boodschapper Mark L. Prophet ; [vert. uit het Engels]. - Amsterdam : The Summit Lighthouse of Holland, 1984. - 177, [2] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. - index.
ISBN 9070942011
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-43
Trefw.: esoterie, Saint Germain, zelftransformatie, studies, bewustzijn, Christus, denken, energie, God, leven, mens, Saint Germain

Studies in alchemy : the science of self-transfomation
Saint Germain ; dictated to the messenger Mark L. Prophet. - Los Angeles : Summit Unieversity Press, 1979. - 125 p. : foto's. ; 21 cm. - notes, index.
ISBN 0916766004
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-44 (ESO-1-3-PROP-1)
Trefw.: esoterie, Saint Germain, zelftransformatie, studies, bewustzijn, Christus, denken, energie, God, leven, mens, Saint Germain

De wil van God : een heilig avontuur
El Morya ; opgetekend door Mark L. Prophet ; [Nederlandse vert. uit het Engels]. - Amsterdam : Summit Lighthouse of Holland, 2003. - 72 p. ; 20 cm. - noten.
ISBN 9080532600
sign.: ESO-14-12-PROP-45
Trefw.: esoterie, spiritualiteit


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